A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards
A deconstructive point of view highlights the contradictions between an author's intended message and the aspects that naturally arise in their writing. Derrida's language has been used to define deconstruction and demonstrate how it may be used in Billboards’ taglines analysis in the study. The data have been analyzed using a descriptive qualitative research design. The researchers photographed four billboards, two from clothing brands and two from shoe brands. The tendon of deconstruction is used to study the selected billboards. This study has examined how deconstruction can be used to analyze billboard taglines. It concludes that the brands, in particular clothing and shoe brands advertisers, in addition to attractive pictures and figures presented with enticing colours, carefully choose short and crisp taglines with meanings triggering the minds of viewers and drawing their attention towards the beauty and usefulness of the products.
Deconstruction, Billboards, Taglines, Feminine Brand
(1) Hinzala Hussain
MS Scholar, Department of English, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Aisha Farid
Assistant Professor, Department of English, Government College Women University, Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Hussain, H., & Farid, A. (2023). A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(II), 64-72. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).06
CHICAGO : Hussain, Hinzala, and Aisha Farid. 2023. "A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 64-72 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).06
HARVARD : HUSSAIN, H. & FARID, A. 2023. A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 64-72.
MHRA : Hussain, Hinzala, and Aisha Farid. 2023. "A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 64-72
MLA : Hussain, Hinzala, and Aisha Farid. "A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 64-72 Print.
OXFORD : Hussain, Hinzala and Farid, Aisha (2023), "A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 64-72
TURABIAN : Hussain, Hinzala, and Aisha Farid. "A Deconstructive Analysis of Taglines on Pakistani Billboards." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 64-72. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).06