Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan
This qualitative study explores the landscape of journalistic practices concerning the construction of climate action news in Pakistan. The study offers a comprehensive understanding of the variables affecting media coverage, the difficulties faced by journalists, their perspectives on the climate problem, and prospective improvements. The study's conclusions point to a confluence of circumstances that prevent Pakistani media outlets from covering climate change programmes. These include complex political dynamics and structural limitations in the media environment. The results make it clear that Pakistani journalists would substantially benefit from programmes to develop their capacity so they can better understand and report climate action. The study also yields an important proposal that calls for the Pakistani government to develop a comprehensive policy for climate action. In conclusion, this study makes a substantial contribution to our understanding of Pakistan's complex system of climate reporting practices. It paves the way for more proactive and educated climate action communication and reporting by highlighting the difficulties and opportunities facing the journalism industry.
Climate Change, Media Coverage, Journalistic Standards, Pakistan
(1) Umer Ikram
M.Phil. Scholar, Faculty of Media and Mass Communication, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(2) Atif Ashraf
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media and Mass Communication, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
(3) Ayesha Sadiqa
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Media and Mass Communication, University of Central Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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APA : Ikram, U., Ashraf, A., & Sadiqa, A. (2023). Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(II), 388-402.
CHICAGO : Ikram, Umer, Atif Ashraf, and Ayesha Sadiqa. 2023. "Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 388-402 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).28
HARVARD : IKRAM, U., ASHRAF, A. & SADIQA, A. 2023. Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 388-402.
MHRA : Ikram, Umer, Atif Ashraf, and Ayesha Sadiqa. 2023. "Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 388-402
MLA : Ikram, Umer, Atif Ashraf, and Ayesha Sadiqa. "Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 388-402 Print.
OXFORD : Ikram, Umer, Ashraf, Atif, and Sadiqa, Ayesha (2023), "Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 388-402
TURABIAN : Ikram, Umer, Atif Ashraf, and Ayesha Sadiqa. "Construction of Climate Action News, Exploring Role of Media Professionals in Pakistan." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 388-402.