30 Pages : 411-421      10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).30      Published : Jun 2023

Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps

    This study aims to investigate the newly emerging phenomenon of cyber-crimes in Pakistan with the lens of a case study focusing on online fraud through digital microloan apps. The study employed qualitative methodology with an inductive approach of thematic analysis to examine the responses of interviewees. This thematic approach allowed the emergence of themes from the data. A sample size of 15 male and female students was chosen from 5 Public and private sector Universities of Lahore. The study found that online fraud through microloan apps has become a common phenomenon in Pakistan with weak implementation of cyber-laws, thus putting most social media users especially those who are using online digital apps to acquire microloans under the threat of cyber-fraud. The study also found that female students were comparatively easy prey to these loan apps than male students. The study recommended that public and private media houses launch an awareness campaign among digital media users to avoid such kind of fraud. The study further recommended that law enforcement agencies should ensure strict implementation of cyber-security laws to ensure a safe and secure environment.

    Cyber-Crimes, Cyber Security, Microloan, Social Media, Thematic Analysis
    (1) Muhammad Shahzad
    Assistant Controller, Examination Branch, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    CHICAGO : Shahzad, Muhammad. 2023. "Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 411-421 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).30
    HARVARD : SHAHZAD, M. 2023. Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 411-421.
    MHRA : Shahzad, Muhammad. 2023. "Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 411-421
    MLA : Shahzad, Muhammad. "Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 411-421 Print.
    OXFORD : Shahzad, Muhammad (2023), "Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 411-421
    TURABIAN : Shahzad, Muhammad. "Emerging Cyber Crimes in Pakistan: A Case Study of Online Fraud through Digital Microloan Apps." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 411-421.