Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials
Social media influencers contribute to the makeup sector by promoting it as more visible and diversified, by practising societal acceptance and variety, and by sharing their lives publicly on social media. These 'beauty gurus' employ their makeup abilities to collaborate with cosmetics businesses, earning significant pay by increasing brand knowledge among social media viewers. This research looks at how influencers affect how millennials use social media knowledge to learn about brand items. The research also looks at the elements that influence credibility in that content. Using data from female millennials, the author discovered that trustworthiness influences followers' decision-making. A survey was undertaken to acquire data on the assessment of influencers' trustworthiness. 170 respondents provided information. Data was gathered through Google Forms and links were shared among female millennials. After that, the results were analyzed through SPSS. Factors such as trustworthiness, expertise, and attractiveness were dominant in shaping millennials' decisions.
Credibility, Social Media Influencers, Make-up Influencers, Millennials, Trustworthiness
(1) Tabinda Sadiq
Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Media Studies, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
(2) Anbreen Waheed
Lecturer, National University of Modern Languages (NUML), Islamabad, Pakistan.
(3) Zaira Noor
BS Scholar, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
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APA : Sadiq, T., Waheed, A., & Noor, Z. (2023). Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(II), 183-197. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).12
CHICAGO : Sadiq, Tabinda, Anbreen Waheed, and Zaira Noor. 2023. "Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 183-197 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).12
HARVARD : SADIQ, T., WAHEED, A. & NOOR, Z. 2023. Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 183-197.
MHRA : Sadiq, Tabinda, Anbreen Waheed, and Zaira Noor. 2023. "Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 183-197
MLA : Sadiq, Tabinda, Anbreen Waheed, and Zaira Noor. "Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 183-197 Print.
OXFORD : Sadiq, Tabinda, Waheed, Anbreen, and Noor, Zaira (2023), "Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 183-197
TURABIAN : Sadiq, Tabinda, Anbreen Waheed, and Zaira Noor. "Examining the Impact of Social Media Make-Up Influencers on Millennials." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 183-197. https://doi.org/10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).12