Authored by : Farrukh Shahzad , Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi , RidaShehzad

01 Pages : 1-14


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    APA : Shahzad, F., Qazi, T. A., & Shehzad, R. (2023). Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(II), 1-14.
    CHICAGO : Shahzad, Farrukh, Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi, and Rida Shehzad. 2023. "Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 1-14 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).01
    HARVARD : SHAHZAD, F., QAZI, T. A. & SHEHZAD, R. 2023. Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 1-14.
    MHRA : Shahzad, Farrukh, Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi, and Rida Shehzad. 2023. "Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 1-14
    MLA : Shahzad, Farrukh, Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi, and Rida Shehzad. "Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 1-14 Print.
    OXFORD : Shahzad, Farrukh, Qazi, Tehmina Ashfaq, and Shehzad, Rida (2023), "Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 1-14
    TURABIAN : Shahzad, Farrukh, Tehmina Ashfaq Qazi, and Rida Shehzad. "Framing of Israel and Palestine Conflict in RT news, Al-Jazeera, CNN & BBC News." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 1-14.