22 Pages : 312-323      10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).22      Published : Jun 2023

A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube

    Technological advancement with its extensive use in every field of life has also encouraged instructors to apply innovative techniques in enhancing English speaking skills. Vlogs, tutorials and lectures are the latest technique which is gaining popularity. The current research intends to explore the perceptions of ESL students towards the use of vlogs, tutorials and lectures on YouTube. The researchers used a cross-sectional survey by adopting qualitative and quantitative procedures. The population of the study comprised ESL students studying in the Virtual University of Lahore and 100 ESL students were selected as sampling. The data were collected through a close-ended questionnaire, later analysed comprehensively and presented in tables and figures. The findings of the study illustrated that ESL students have shown a positive inclination towards the use of vlogs, tutorials and lectures on YouTube for enhancing speaking skills. In the end, the researchers also recommended some suggestions for future researchers.

    YouTube, Vlogs, Tutorials, Lectures, ESL Learning, Speaking Skill, Students Perceptions
    (1) Aleena Khan
    M. Phil English (Linguistics), Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (2) Perveen Akhter Farhat
    Assistant Professor, Department of English, Lahore Leads University, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
    (3) Shahid Ali
    LLM Scholar, University of Lahore, Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan.
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    APA : Khan, A., Farhat, P. A., & Ali, S. (2023). A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI(II), 312-323.
    CHICAGO : Khan, Aleena, Perveen Akhter Farhat, and Shahid Ali. 2023. "A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II): 312-323 doi: 10.31703/gdpmr.2023(VI-II).22
    HARVARD : KHAN, A., FARHAT, P. A. & ALI, S. 2023. A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube. Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI, 312-323.
    MHRA : Khan, Aleena, Perveen Akhter Farhat, and Shahid Ali. 2023. "A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI: 312-323
    MLA : Khan, Aleena, Perveen Akhter Farhat, and Shahid Ali. "A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube." Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI.II (2023): 312-323 Print.
    OXFORD : Khan, Aleena, Farhat, Perveen Akhter, and Ali, Shahid (2023), "A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube", Global Digital & Print Media Review, VI (II), 312-323
    TURABIAN : Khan, Aleena, Perveen Akhter Farhat, and Shahid Ali. "A Study on Students' Perception: Enhancing Speaking Skill for ESL Learners through YouTube." Global Digital & Print Media Review VI, no. II (2023): 312-323.